Author Topic: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?  (Read 34756 times)

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Offline merigayle

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2013, 07:09:36 AM »
i buy sweet potatoes at the local natural food store and they are incredible, i cut them in half and they ooze a sweet liquid.
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Offline cgraz

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2013, 07:33:57 AM »
I am definitely lazy in general, not just when it comes to food...but I like to cook. It's just the organizing and clean-up that I get so tired of. It's like any repetitive task that you have to keep up with all the time. Every week, I'm thinking "didn't I JUST do this? argh!" And I also have this idea that I can't possibly know now what I will want later, so planning meals or weekly lunches is hard to do without just falling back on the same easy things. Luckily I don't get too sick of them. I do have times when I get on board with the idea that a little prep now will save me time later, and I get myself set up for the week by cutting up salad stuff, etc.
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Offline Ice Cream

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2013, 07:36:01 AM »
... to make them edible like white potatoes. 

White potatoes taste fine for me and are edible as they are.  I often steam them.

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2013, 07:37:59 AM »
White potatoes taste fine for me and are edible as they are.  I often steam them.

1! And there are so many kinds...yukon, new, idaho...they all have their own flavor. Yukon with a little salt, mmm. Doesn't take much!
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Offline Courtney

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2013, 10:17:56 AM »
I am lazy and don't enjoy cooking either.

 I will say that marinating chicken or something in a ziplock and fixing it on a grill (I have one of those George Foreman plug in things) is easy and cooks really fast.  And wilting spinach in oil or butter with salt and pepper is really fast.  Yeah, I know it gets boring for every day, but maybe just guarantee yourself two r three times a week.

And your DH should take his turn.  I'm sorry, but if neither of you like it, you should share duty.

Yeah, that's probably a good point, but the reality is that he doesn't cook, has no interest, and if left to his own devices would eat eggs, ramen, and fried chicken from the deli.  I don't like that stuff, nor would I eat it regularly if I did.  :D  He'd also eat only once a day.  And, TBH, I go thru phases where I LOVE to cook.  I never like the clean-up, but woe is me!

Thanks for all the ideas, you guys.  This is helpful.  :) 

I do need to get over the lazy bit, like MM said.  :D  It's so easy (for me) to fall into shitty habits, and it's like pulling god damned teeth to break them.   >:(

A-S, I personally like to eat onions, bell peppers, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, endamame, and mushrooms (only when finely diced so I can't feel their disgusting sliminess) cooked, and a number of other veggies raw.  My DH is another story.  :D  He will barely touch a cooked veggie other than mushrooms.

Meri, beans are just not something I like.  It's definitely a texture thing, and I can do them in stuff like chili, as long as they aren't overwhelming.  I want to like hummus, a lot.  But I don't.  I can do it ON something (like a sandwich) if I have to, but I just really don't like it.  I think it's texture related. 

To all of you who suggested sweet potatoes, I really love them when they are done in a savory way.  So I should experiment more with them.  We don't have a grill right now, so that will have to wait, but the rest of it sounds good.  DH isn't a huge fan, but I can dice up a regular potato for him, no big deal. 

Offline cgraz

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #25 on: February 20, 2013, 11:31:10 AM »
For sweet potatoes, my go-to is to just cut them into about 1-inch chunks, cut up some vidalia onions into slightly smaller chunks, then toss it all in olive oil in a big ziplock, and season with salt and pepper. Spread out on a foil-lined cookie sheet and roast at 350 until browned/tender. Super good, and goes with most anything...pork chops, chicken, steak. It is all good.
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Offline merigayle

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #26 on: February 20, 2013, 11:51:39 AM »
Fionn mac Cumhail :Meri will rise from the casket and beat you...and then run one last Badwater before burying herself.

Offline Mom of Scooby

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2013, 06:51:04 AM »
Get on Pinterest and find some recipes that excite you. or just suck it up and do the one day a month cooking plans :D

Yeah, i understand with the pasta. I could not tell you the last time i ate pasta. I love it, but it is really not worth the calories imo. No beans?  :'( Is it a texture thing? no hummus? hummus wraps with sprouts, tomato, cuke, avocado, etc, would be great! And easy.

I agree with this!  I have never liked to cook but since Pinterest I could several times a week.  I always put "easy" in my search.  I am also a very lazy cook. more then 3-4 ingredients and I'm done.  I have found some great, easy stuff there..  Yogurt coated chicken which is quick and tasty and tons of good tofu recipes.

Offline LizardMixture

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2013, 10:50:35 AM »
I agree with this!  I have never liked to cook but since Pinterest I could several times a week.  I always put "easy" in my search.  I am also a very lazy cook. more then 3-4 ingredients and I'm done.  I have found some great, easy stuff there..  Yogurt coated chicken which is quick and tasty and tons of good tofu recipes.

Oooh I will check this out. Confession: I am lazy, so... pizza. By Thursday night I am usually tired of having to figure out dinner yet again, and so we go out for pizza.  Usually I do keep it to once a week, but it has been known to happen twice.

I was getting to the pizza stage today, but thanks to this thread I think I will marinade some chicken and make a baked potato and grilled asparagus.   :heartbeat:

Offline witchypoo

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2013, 02:48:31 PM »
i recommend finding a husband who is excited to try his hand at new recipes - last night, mr. 'poo made paneer w/curried veggies for supper.

Offline LizardMixture

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2013, 04:30:31 PM »
i recommend finding a husband who is excited to try his hand at new recipes - last night, mr. 'poo made paneer w/curried veggies for supper.

Yabut I kinda like the one I already have. Seems a little harsh to ditch him because he can't cook.

Offline Courtney

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2013, 05:19:23 PM »
i recommend finding a husband who is excited to try his hand at new recipes - last night, mr. 'poo made paneer w/curried veggies for supper.

Send him my way.  I promise I won't hit on him, just eat his cooking.  :D 

Offline rocketgirl

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #32 on: February 21, 2013, 06:05:54 PM »
Yabut I kinda like the one I already have. Seems a little harsh to ditch him because he can't cook.

Can't or won't?  Seriously.  If you can read, you can cook.  Not necessarily anything complicated or anything, but some things.

I'm no great cook.  Other than spaghetti, nobody ever taught me how.  And I only learned that because I had to do it for some class in middle school.  But over the past couple of years, I've tried a little more.  And what do you know, I can even wing it now and then.

There is no special cooking gene that is only present in women.  (And if there was, *I* certainly don't have it.)  ANYBODY can learn to cook a few simple meals, even if they have to look at the recipe every time.

Granted, I don't particularly value the home cooked meal over other things on an every day basis, and yes, I'd have a hard time being in a relationship with someone who did and who expected me to cook 3 times a week (with them also cooking 3 or 4 times a week).  But I'd certainly cook SOMETIMES. 
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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #33 on: February 21, 2013, 08:38:38 PM »
Can't or won't? 

Or just don't need to.  Why does everybody have to cook anyway?  Some people like to cook and are good at it.  Other people are better at clean up.  50-50 doesn't have to mean that everybody does 50% of everything. 

Offline nadra24

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #34 on: February 21, 2013, 09:21:13 PM »
Or just don't need to.  Why does everybody have to cook anyway?  Some people like to cook and are good at it.  Other people are better at clean up.  50-50 doesn't have to mean that everybody does 50% of everything. 

Yabut if neither partner likes cooking, then there's a problem.  I think that's the point of this thread.

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #35 on: February 21, 2013, 09:34:13 PM »
Yabut if neither partner likes cooking, then there's a problem.  I think that's the point of this thread. 

I thought it was about whether Courtney was being lazy.  But I didn't read the whole thing.  My bad. 

Offline picote

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2013, 09:53:40 PM »
I love to cook, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time/energy at the end of the workday to make a complicated meal on a regular basis. We've found our gas grill to be a life saver. Grill some veggies and a nice steak, piece of fish, or some other protein and microwave a sweet potato and you have a nice dinner that takes 10 min of prep and 10 min on the grill. And almost no clean up! I think I'm lazy too!! :)

Offline Ice Cream

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #37 on: February 22, 2013, 07:14:32 AM »
Yabut I kinda like the one I already have. Seems a little harsh to ditch him because he can't cook.

DH gave me a cookbook for the first birthday we were together and told me, if it does not work, McDonald's is our back up. Maybe you can try a similar tactic.  :)

Offline witchypoo

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #38 on: February 22, 2013, 08:11:22 AM »
DH gave me a cookbook for the first birthday we were together and told me, if it does not work, McDonald's is our back up. Maybe you can try a similar tactic.  :)

LOL. And he is still alive. Astounding.

Offline Jules62

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Re: I think I'm lazy, can we discuss?
« Reply #39 on: February 22, 2013, 08:11:44 AM »
I am not a good cook mainly because it doesn't interest me, DH on the other hand LOVES to cook.  So he cooks and I am his CUB (clean up beotch) and it works for us.   :)



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