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What about Couch-to-5k and One Hour Runner? They're now in the clutches of Active, and they have been useful to so many people - and if anyone should be making money out of them, it would be Josh Clark, Liam and Katherine Switzer.Couch to 5k Beginner's Program and Robert Ullrey's Couch-to-5k podcastsOne Hour RunnerI have both programs saved to disk, so if those links go dead, email me at russellsparadox AT hotmail DOT com (replacing AT with @ and DOT with . and removing the spaces).ETA: http://www.c25k.com/ has a whole lot of links gathered in one place/
I once asked Kevin over on CR if he had a latest address, but no luck. Still, I'll be lurking and popping in at at times - As Ever