5 minutes 28 seconds (or was it 29)?
I think the Boston cutoff creates more online chatter than about any event or news release in a year. It's probably devastating to think you made it and then find out you were a couple minutes or seconds short. Last year there was no cutoff and going in it seemed people were hoping that it would be minimal but when they found out that 33,000 people entered for 22,000 startline position everyone knew it would be 3 minutes or more. There is a lot of clamor about the downhill races like Revel, St. George, or Tunnel Marathons (all very popular). Don't know if there is data at what percent are on those large downhill marathons (with 2000 - 4000 ft drop) I wouldn't mind them tightening the elevation drop to something more reasonable (e.g., not more than Boston).