I ran a marathon (Grandma's in Duluth, MN) on Saturday. The goal was sub 3 at 63--that would give a span of 38 years between first and latest sub 3s--there's actually a list for such things and it would put me in the top 15 all time.
Conditions were good--but a little warm the first 90 minutes (low 60s and sunny) but clouds moved in and breeze picked up until final miles. Split okay (1:30--wanted to be a little under but ran by feel) and 20 at 2:17 (right at 6:52 pace) but it got hard. Held on for 2 more before things got real difficult to finish in 3:02--1st in age group.
Not terribly disappointed because knew that sub 3 would be tough. Looking ahead, it was an easy BQ for my age group so maybe line up in Hopkinton next spring? Lot of CHers out there. Could line the course every mile, curse like a sailor and throw old vegetables my way!