6.5km Fartlek 40 minutes
w/ 4x4:00 at race pace.
On the road this morning (in the neighborhood) instead of trail, since it was a targeted timed workout.
6*C 86%RH
Now I know I’m coming on to form.
First real HR zone 4 (sub-threshold) work which is my top-end limit until after my race date (T -10 days).
3rd interval was a little slow but made up for it with final interval.
Pace for the four were: 5:51,5:24,5:31,5:12/km. (First one was mostly uphill so that one was just fine)
The only thing I’d like to see improve between now and race day is to be able to run this same power/pace at a slightly lower HR (3-5 bpm) which would probably give me more staying power over the half marathon distance.