Hip injury update:
No visible fractures on x-ray, nothing horrible like bone tumors and pain is abating so that was good news.
In order of likelihood
1) Trochanteric bursitis
but exact centroid of pain is a little bit offset from that bursa so possibly
2) Gluteous minimus tear
but timing of pain onset and time to peak of pain from last run seemed long for either of the above so possibly
3) upper femur stress fracture
Treatment for 1 and 2 are very different from #3, so he wasn't eager to dive into strengthening until we could rule out #3.
Next up MRI this week with the usual insurance and provider bullshit of approval and _everyone_ trying to steer patient to centers that they benefit the most financially from.
I learned from the last one to pick the nice and convient in-network MRI center you want to go to and no matter who calls, tell them that's where you're going as opposed to the shitty back-alley MRI center way across town they want you to go to.