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He’s excited.But I learned from another online forum that Trumpies are degenerates and I should fear posting pix o my kid.I also won’t post pix o’ me (unless filter-obscured!).Nor will I offer assistance to any male or accept help from any male. Dudes seek to lure females to “the lake.”
Lake?The ocean is better, me thinks. Maybe not, but i prefer the aesthetics of the ocean.
I like that.But the water is too cold up in Mass. Anything below 78 is uncivilized
You’d experience shrinkage, without a doubt. And hypothermia.
I’d keep ye warm!I have a bunch o plush, fuzzy towels.
They *are* nice towels! I might not care about dinnerware, but no one wants to dry their freshly-showered ass on sandpaper.
I have a sensitive ass, so this is a good thing.
Never fear! My towels would lovingly caress your ass. The food from ChinRub might treat yo’ ass differently, tho.I’m just sayin.
Soft TP then, but maybe a different restaurant. Let's go P.F. or Pei Wei.
No such thing here. We can order in from Red Ginger in Stow! I also spare no expense on TP, just FYI.
P.F. is fine chain food, good lettuce wraps and fried rice. There's gotta be one close to you.
Maybe by one of the malls, but at that point you might as well go to an Olive Garden as “fine chain Italian.” My neck o the woods is very different from Florida.
I like P.F. Changs and there's no comparison to Changs and Olive Garden, Olive Garden is awful. P.F. is better than 98 percent of all Chinese restaurants. You be loving it.
Chains aren’t the way of life here that they are in FL. I guarantee I could find you a better independently-owned place, more convenient than driving to shopping mall hell.
Not for Chinese, I know the NE, I still want Changs.
I’m sure there’s better for Chinese! You eat McDiggity’s, I don’t really trust your food judgment...