Author Topic: Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.  (Read 9938 times)

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Offline Mrtambourineman

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Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:49:06 PM »
Hey there.  I took a whole whack of shots of some kite boarders on Saturday with my camera set on flourescent white balance which made the photos turn blueish.  I have Gimp as my digital darkroom software.  I shot in JPeg only - no Raw.  Can someone please tell me how to go about fixing this. 
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Offline omega lambda

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Re: Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2014, 05:00:25 PM »
I don't know gimp, but in PhotoShop there are several ways to temper it. I'll tell you what I would do and maybe you know the equivalent in gimp.

First I would try the curves function which allows you to set a black, white or middle gray point using the eye dropper tool. Using the eye dropper, you select an area of the photograph that should be true white or true middle gray. I usually prefer the middle gray result, but sometimes the white point is better. Very often this is all you need to do.

Another option is to use a selective color adjustment. In PS, there is a dialog box that allows you to select the color you want to modify (white, red, bye, green, etc). I would select white, then adjust the cyan slider until white looks white. There are other sliders, so I would adjust until it looks right.

If either of these didn't work, my last resort would be to use a red color overlay at some reduced opacity (25%?) to counteract the green.

I hope this will at least give you an idea of what you can try. Good luck!

I once saw engagement photos done by a well known and very expensive So Cal photographer in which about 75 of the proofs were shot with tungsten white balance and the photos were all outdoors. Everything was a lovely shade of blue!

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Re: Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2014, 05:52:00 PM »
I don't know gimp, but in PhotoShop there are several ways to temper it. I'll tell you what I would do and maybe you know the equivalent in gimp.

First I would try the curves function which allows you to set a black, white or middle gray point using the eye dropper tool. Using the eye dropper, you select an area of the photograph that should be true white or true middle gray. I usually prefer the middle gray result, but sometimes the white point is better. Very often this is all you need to do.

Another option is to use a selective color adjustment. In PS, there is a dialog box that allows you to select the color you want to modify (white, red, bye, green, etc). I would select white, then adjust the cyan slider until white looks white. There are other sliders, so I would adjust until it looks right.

If either of these didn't work, my last resort would be to use a red color overlay at some reduced opacity (25%?) to counteract the green.

I hope this will at least give you an idea of what you can try. Good luck!

I once saw engagement photos done by a well known and very expensive So Cal photographer in which about 75 of the proofs were shot with tungsten white balance and the photos were all outdoors. Everything was a lovely shade of blue!

Thanks OL - It sounds like I did what your So Cal photographer did.  All of my kite surfing images are a lovely shade of blue as well.  I think using the white as my adjustment key may be my best choice because most of these photos are dominated by ocean and sky. 
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Offline Mrtambourineman

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Re: Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2014, 11:24:31 AM »
Well I managed to work on two images last night.  The first was predominantly ocean and sky so I used the white dropper to work on it.  Its a lot better, but its still quite dark/blue in places.  I used the grey dropper on a shot that had more land and buildings in it and that worked much better.  Still looks a little off.  I may need to play around with it more.
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Offline MoCo

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Re: Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2014, 01:41:09 PM »
I know it's not helpful for these pics, but can I ask why you're not shooting in RAW (or at least RAW + jpg)?
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Offline Mrtambourineman

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Re: Help. Post processing to fix white balance mistake.
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2014, 01:53:31 PM »
I know it's not helpful for these pics, but can I ask why you're not shooting in RAW (or at least RAW + jpg)?

Simple answer is probably laziness and drive space.  I don't have the time to mess around with my photos much after I take them so JPEG pretty much works for me and I have limited space to store them.  Another factor is I tended to use a smallish card (4 Gig) with the old camera and I took a lot of action shots so I was worried about filling up my card.  I bought an 8 gig card with the new camera and I have a 4 gig back up card from my digital video camera that I can use in a pinch now so in camera storeage isn't as big a deal. 
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