And how do I fix it ASAP?
I've been running more consistently lately, from 2-6 easy but moderately hilly miles 3-5 days a week.
No history of pain in this part of my foot at all, ever.
Last night I went out for a mellow 3.4 miles, was feeling tired mentally but my legs were fresh.
At about mile 2 I got a sharp pain in the outside of my left foot, on the bottom. Not sharp enough to limp. Felt like a spasm. I curled my toes and flexed my foot a bit while running and it went away. It came and went for the duration of the run. When it went it would be pain free. Within the last few feet it hit hard enough to make me limp.
I massaged it a little bit, elevated it and took some ibus. I'm always cold so no ice.
This morning, same deal. Fine for a while, then a lot of pain. Then fine again.
Located in the red area indicated on this pic.