CH Runners

Running => Running => Topic started by: CheryG on October 02, 2019, 06:52:21 PM

Title: Well, WTF?
Post by: CheryG on October 02, 2019, 06:52:21 PM
A few weeks ago I tried changing the way I breathe when I run.  To breathe more deeply into the abdomen.  It worked beautifully, I was able to run the same pace with far less effort. I was so stoked.  I aso felt it helped my access the glutes, so I went back to doing some glute activation drills prior to the run.  Mostly leg swings.

I have been feeling thrashed ever since. The runs themselves are fine, but my body feels afterwards like it has never run before. I'm sore all over. My right IT band is acting up. My back hurts.  I have an odd, intermittent spasm in my right lower but cheek.

Today I almost convinced myself to go get a lyme test, it's so weird. 

Could it be from having a slightly different gait?  I don't feel like I'm doing anything too abnormal. I'm not micromanaging every step when I run, but now that I've "gone there" so to speak, I haven't gone back to the old breathing either.  I'd have to focus on it.

It's nice to be able to breathe, but dayum I feel crippled.
Title: Re: Well, WTF?
Post by: radial on October 02, 2019, 07:19:00 PM
Could be the pre-run "activation drills" rather than the new breathing pattern. 
Title: Re: Well, WTF?
Post by: CheryG on October 02, 2019, 07:23:23 PM
I worry that I've uncovered old injuries?  I hope it's just remodeling for the better.
Title: Re: Well, WTF?
Post by: Arrojo on October 02, 2019, 09:51:55 PM
May just be a coincidence. Runners get odd pains all the time.
Title: Re: Well, WTF?
Post by: Coyote Mas Loco on October 03, 2019, 07:27:57 AM
Might have knocked something off balance with your back or pelvis. But a blood test (get other things tested as well) doesn't hurt. But like Arrojo said, we often go through bouts of aches and pain and feeling run down.
Title: Re: Well, WTF?
Post by: diablita on October 03, 2019, 06:18:54 PM
I'd vote for the trail runs knocking your pelvis out of whack.  Do you have a chiro you can visit?