Forum > Running
Base Build Up: From Jogger to Runner
Rog, is it okay if I go for a certain time per week - say 4 hours week one - but mix it up differently? I'm really slow, largely because I'm old and pretty fat right now, so for me to get any mileage in it's time consuming.
--- Quote from: Suesquatch on December 01, 2012, 12:42:15 AM ---Rog, is it okay if I go for a certain time per week - say 4 hours week one - but mix it up differently? I'm really slow, largely because I'm old and pretty fat right now, so for me to get any mileage in it's time consuming.
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One thing I think I mentioned in another thread, that often goes unremarked by runners - the time commitments get easier to deal with when you've been doing things for many months to years. Things eventually just sort of settle in and feel normal, this takes a very long time to fully take effect, and it still isn't easy, just easier.
This doesn't really replace the answer you'll undoubtedly get from Wilson, just adds another aspect to it. Any way you look at it, the time to run for 4 or 10 or 14 hours per week plus all the "support" (preparation and changing) time is a struggle for a lot of us.
Droopy, even when I was putting in six hours a week my mileage was 35-40. :)
This is more or less training to race and for those thinking about improving performance. So running 4 hours one week 6 the next and 2 after that is all fine. Just mix in cross training to keep your total hours up there and to maintain or improve fitness level. At our age we don't improve much, at best maintain.
--- Quote from: Suesquatch on December 01, 2012, 12:42:15 AM ---Rog, is it okay if I go for a certain time per week - say 4 hours week one - but mix it up differently? I'm really slow, largely because I'm old and pretty fat right now, so for me to get any mileage in it's time consuming.
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Thanks, Rog. Okay, middle aged recreational jogger I remain.
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