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It back…as of July1!!
Peeps in the other forum are busy discussing vindictiveness…I’m more interested in Vecna-ictive-ness! Spoilers are A-OK, though I may not be up to GG’s ability to binge watch. :D

Golden God:

--- Quote from: jivan on June 30, 2022, 07:15:28 PM ---It back…as of July1!!
Peeps in the other forum are busy discussing vindictiveness…I’m more interested in Vecna-ictive-ness! Spoilers are A-OK, though I may not be up to GG’s ability to binge watch. :D

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The only spoiler I have is it's going to be two long episodes. Maybe someone will die. Probably Eddie. :tombstone:


--- Quote from: Golden God on June 30, 2022, 07:43:25 PM ---The only spoiler I have is it's going to be two long episodes. Maybe someone will die. Probably Eddie. :tombstone:

--- End quote ---
I think the first of the 2 is like 2.5 hr! That’s a feature film!!
If I’m up really early, I may watch it… otherwise I’ll wait for my fam, and they’re more “evening viewing” sorts.

Golden God:

--- Quote from: jivan on June 30, 2022, 08:05:42 PM ---I think the first of the 2 is like 2.5 hr! That’s a feature film!!
If I’m up really early, I may watch it… otherwise I’ll wait for my fam, and they’re more “evening viewing” sorts.

--- End quote ---

You have to be up extra early for that. The early bird learns the spoiler.

4 chimes, 4 gates, 4 storylines, season 4… ep. 8 did not disappoint!
Will there be a Vecna/Vader, “I am your father” line with 11?
Lots of seeming “goodbye” lines… I’m still thinking that bay bite can’t be a good thing for Steve. Can Max find her own Castle Byers in which to hide out from Vecna, and live to tell the tale?
When will Eddie get his guitar to bring to the Upside Down?
Will the collaboration of US and Russians in the quest to get rid of all things Upside Down be what REALLY ends the Cold War (season 5)? Or does Putin nowadays have Snoke tanks o demodawgs and the swirling chamber of malevolent dust??
Will wrap the season tonight!


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