Author Topic: Produce box of the week  (Read 3864 times)

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Offline caribougrrl

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Re: Produce box of the week
« Reply #20 on: May 05, 2020, 09:26:30 AM »
I love cabbage!

My mom used to slice it thinly, steam it lightly, and toss with sour cream, a touch of sugar, and a touch of salt. Usually served as a side dish for pork chops, but it goes with just about anything.

My favourite way to use cabbage is in okonomiyaki (japanese-style pancake)... we usually use this recipe: to get the proportions of veg vs. batter (the batter really just barely coats all the veg)... and will use shredded cabbage and whatever else is on hand... we rarely put meat in it, but shrimp and pork are common... serve with mayo + hot sauce (british "brown sauce" is HP sauce, which would also be good).

Also, cabbage pan-fried in butter with onions and apples is a great side OR under a soft-boiled egg OR in a bowl topped with toasted walnuts and feta cheese and/or roasted squash.

If we order chinese food, one thing I love is singapore noodles, but they are really way too salty for me to be eating... so I order them anyway, and mix with an equal volume of finely sliced cabbage for a pretty delicious cold noodle salad.

Offline diablita

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Re: Produce box of the week
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2020, 12:59:26 PM »
I love okonomiyaki. Made it for the first time recently. Thanks for the reminder. 
"Some things you just need to do for yourself, even if it means nicking your nads."  --nneJ

Offline BonitaApplebum

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Re: Produce box of the week
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2020, 01:02:21 PM »
My produce box this week had celery, onions, potatoes, oranges, apples, pears, carrots, one zucchini, an acorn squash, scallions, mushrooms... I think that's it.

I also got an instacart today and I doubled up on a couple things inadvertently (carrots and oranges) but we'll use all of those. Plus I bought cilantro, cukes, avocados, and bananas.

I feel set for now on the produce front, although I'd probably like to have more potatoes.

Offline JBM

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Re: Produce box of the week
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2020, 08:48:56 AM »
You got a good box Bonita!
I gave my mother the cabbage and the winter squash. I just couldn't deal. I still have broccoli, one zucchini, some lettuce to use up. I also still have the small peppers from a couple of weeks ago. I cut up the canteloup and pineapple, but I need to focus on eating them. I am eating two oranges or two apples with pb for breakfast, so those are making a dent finally. Oh and one giant onion and a bag of potatoes.

Boyfriend and I discussed getting a box to split next week. I am thinking we do Friday pick up so then I can get it and bring his half over that night since I go over on Fridays after work.

Meanwhile I had a big old pile of pasta for dinner last night with no veggies. I just needed a time out.



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