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Shoe Dog Thread - The Vaporfly Series

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Coyote Mas Loco:
This has been discussed some in the Kipchoge and Kosgei threads, and it's a very hot topic all over social media this week.

What do you think about the leaps in shoe technology, so far (mostly) made by one company. Some of Nike's competitors have come up with prototypes available to pro runners, but not yet released to the public. Meanwhile, Nike is on it's 3rd iteration, and has had the corner on the market for two and a half years.

I'm of mixed feeling on all this. I could actually benefit from these shoes, but have held out and not making near term plans to jump on the bandwagon. Waiting for further rulings from the governing bodies and seeing what the market has to offer with other brands. 

Here's Ryan Hall's take (but please bypass his use of irregardless).

This stuff is dividing the running community, sometimes breaking friendships and bonds.

Coyote Mas Loco:
More from writer Alex Hutchinson -

Super controversial topic.  Without reading those links my thought is that it conveys an unfair advantage and should not be allowed.  They were able to tread into a VERY grey area with a ton of R&D money to blow, much more than their competitors by multiples of 10 and so therefore less risk if the powers that be decide to disallow them.

Coyote Mas Loco:

--- Quote from: diablita on October 18, 2019, 09:32:14 AM ---Super controversial topic.  Without reading those links my thought is that it conveys an unfair advantage and should not be allowed.  They were able to tread into a VERY grey area with a ton of R&D money to blow, much more than their competitors by multiples of 10 and so therefore less risk if the powers that be decide to disallow them.

--- End quote ---

I'm hearing both sides of the argument but tend to the opinion that we really ought to slow down and think is that where we want to go? I'm finding that some of the more recreational runners are first to jump on the bandwagon, ordering the shoes 6 months before they are even available, and strongest proponents/quick to be very condescending and dismissive with quips like, "oh well, we might has well be running barefoot then!"

Yup.  I've heard that too.  And the topic got heated with Volee members as well.  There's a lot of "Nike is evil for [X reason] but I won't give up my Vaporfly's.  And anyways nice people work there.  And anyways not everyone there knew about the [X reason]..."

I met a number of haute volee members who ran OTQs in the 4%. 


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