Forum > Running

Is this just rude or am I just sensitive?

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So, I am thinking of doing a large 10k.  It is so large that it now has corral starts.   I guess it used to be the honor system to get in right corral.   This year, if you have t run it in the last 3 years, you have to submit a race result that is comparable.   You have to show that you can run sub 50 for 10k.  It asks that you submit a requeat.  So I haven’t run many road races, but I decided to do a well known local one since the 15k distance runs right past my new digs.

So, I wrote that I haven’t run a 10k but last month I ran a 15k at a pace that is well below the 8:00ish requirement

The coordinator says, “yes, that will work.  7:00 pace is an acceptable pace for that distance to be in first corral.  Now please send a screen shot of your results and I will send you a code”
I do this.

Her response.  “Are you sure that you ran the 15k?  The screen shot only shows the pace and not the distance”

Rather than call someone a liar, wouldn’t you just pull up the race link?  Or ask that they send a link rather than a screenshot in the first place?  I thought maybe I was reading her response wrong, but hubby read the exchange and said.  She thinks you ran the 5k and trying to pass it off as 15k.

Do this many people lie to get into a faster corral?   I really don’t care that much, wouldn’t it be better to be one of the faster of a wave?   I just didn’t want some of the ladies in my age group calling me out later for sandbagging.    But I would rather be called a sandbagged than a liar😧

Eco Ellen:
What does sandbagging mean?

It sounds like the person on the other end of this exchange is overwhelmed.  I would let it go.

Eco Ellen:
A bit of an analogy.  People have to send us their hard copies of expense reports along with original receipts.  I know this is a pain in the ass but it's the same rule for everybody.  People will often say "but I got an electronic receipt so why can't I just send that to you" and the deal is, you're just making our lives harder because we need the original receipts.  So print the thing out and send it to me.  Otherwise I have to do it.  And I got a shit ton of other things to do rather than print your receipts for you and organize them.

Your person should have just asked for exactly what she wanted.  Sorry it's turning into a pain in the ass for you.

Eco Ellen:
All that said, I would at this point be extremely annoyed with your race people and I would probably not run it because, annoying.



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