Forum > Running

saturday 2 august

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hot dog eating face off:
8.75 miles.

5 miles easy.

8 miles including:

2-mile warm up
5-mile race in 33:17
1-mile cool down

Belgian Lace:
9.85, way better than expected.

Plugging Along:
Quarter-Marathon Race.

A local 6.55 mile run that includes some highway, some hilly trails, and some hilly roads. Did I mention it was hilly? And hot.

I had recently run 48:30 for a track 10k, which converts to 51:20 or so. I figured in a road race I had a chance to go mid 52 minutes on a good day.

I registered the night before at the pasta feed, got a good night's sleep, up early, broke out my new shoes , shorts, and shirt, strapped on my 10 year old timex ironman, got to the finish line, sprayed on some bug spray, grabbed a seat on the bus, and to the start line we went.

No water at the start line. The sun was already making it warm. About 75 runners were milling about, doing stretches and warm up jogs. No national anthem. Some quick instruction. There are normally 4 water stations on the race route, but this year there will be only two, at miles 2.5 and 4.5. We line up, ready, set, go.

The first mile is on the shoulder of a flat highway. We settle into pace with no problem and hit mile marker 1 in 7:46. Then we turn off the highway onto a dirt road that has a bunch of hills, both up and down. Mile 2 in 7:59. Then we hit the forest trails with lots of hills and some uneven footing. I grab two waters at the aid station, dump one on my head, drink half the other, then dump the rest on my head. Mile 3 in 8:22.

So far so good. But the sun and the hills start taking their toll. I can feel myself heating up and start to struggle. Surprisingly there is a water station at mile 3.5. Bonus! Mile 4 in 8:35. I knew I was slowing, but that was more than I thought. Back onto some hilly dirt roads, mile 5 in 8:08. And no water station. Now onto some hilly highways, then finally the flat section leading to the finish. Mile 6 in 8:07. Still no water station. The final .55 miles in 4:32. I stagger to the tent, grab a bottle of water and alternate sipping some and pouring some on my head. I look like a drowned rat that has been drowned a second time, but feel much better and a quick check finds no pain or injury.

My watch says 53:29 finish time. About 45 seconds faster than last year. A good result in tough conditions. 19th out of 85, 3rd in my age group, which had only 4 entrants. There were some prizes for the winners this year so the field up front was a little faster than normal. First overall was about 41 minutes, 2nd overall and first woman was just 30 seconds back.

Another t-shirt added to the collection. The schedule for the rest of the day is loafing around. Long run tomorrow. Could be interesting.

Good miles everybody.


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