Forum > General Fitness

Random movement thread

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I am riding my bike again.  Sort of.  Once on the weekend.  This was the third time.  I rode 31 minutes.  It started pouring about 6 or 7 minutes in.  Very wet ride, but I was on a greenway, so didn't have to worry about cars and such.  I didn't expect it to rain.

My ride last weekend was 20 minutes in my neighborhood.  Which after I'd done every street and alley twice, was pretty boring.  The first ride out the weekend before that was 15 minutes.  So, yay!

Swimming, a few days ago.

I met friends downtown this evening to walk.  I ended up walk/running 2 miles.  Then I went for a giant burger.

8 mile bike ride on Sunday. (There's a reason I called this "random movement".  It's not much.  And it's not one consistent activity 3 times a week.  But it's something.

I'm going to try to include some swimming into my day tomorrow.


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