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Training for the Uphill Athlete

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--- Quote from: diablita on December 10, 2019, 07:30:38 PM ---Not yet.  I just finished "How Bad Do You Want It" by Matt Fitzgerald and am on to a tween girl parenting book (Tangled), but maybe I'll add this one into the rotation after I finish Tangled.

--- End quote ---

Can you tell me what you think of Untangled?  I'm thinking it could be useful for us, KT is 12 and can really be a challenge. 

I enjoyed listening to How Bad Do You Wanted.  Like many books, could have been summed up with much less prose.  But it was good and worth it given that I just listened while in the car.

I LOVED Untangled.  It's something I'm sure I'll go back to as a resource many times in the future and DH is reading it now.  I love the way she frames things and actually the author narrates the apple book and does a fantastic job of that, too.  I listened to while driving to/from the Kiawah Island Marathon last month. Highly recommend.  I plan to read Under Pressure (another of her books) soon.

Her school (an all-girls middle school specifically focused on empowering girls to be their best) also just recommended The Confidence Code for Girls so I have that on the way for DD.  Here's a bit about it:

Ok.  I bought it and am only a few chapters in, so I'm hoping it all comes together better because so far it's a mess, lol.


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